Multumim pentru vizita! Dacă ai ajuns aici, inseamna ca ai nevoie de ajutor sau poate doar de un sfat privind organizarea unui eveniment sau o propunere ori o recomandare pentru Black Tie Events 🙂 Suntem oricand pregatite conversatiilor privind organizarea unui eveniment si ne-am bucura sa stim ca va putem fi de ajutor. – vom raspunde in cel mai scurt timp!
Hello there!
My husband and I are wedding photographers based in North Carolina, USA and we will be traveling to Bucharest March 22,2015- April 5, 2015. Going to an area with such lovely scenery, I would just LOVE to try to connect with a couple who is either getting married or would like an engagement session during that time. Perhaps if you know of anyone you could tell them to email us to try to set something up? Thank you so much for you time,
Shelley Hartman